venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Dirty Car Art

Recently new forms of art are born, like body painting, sand animation, art with books or pancake and also the dirty car art.

Scott Wade is known internationally as "The dirty car artist". His works has been seen on television in over 20 countries and in print media throughout the world. 

Dirty Car Art wasn't an "ahah" moment. It evolved from living on a long, dirt road, where the family cars were always covered with a fine layer of dust. In this case, limestone and clay from the road base of Central Texas, where Scott lives. Having such a great canvas, Scott couldn't resist drawing on the windows (particularly the rear window, which gets the most dust), much as you might write "wash me", with a finger drawing a fat line. His early drawings were usually funny faces; his dad was an amateur cartoonist, and Scott developed his own style of cartooning. Eventually though, he became curious: could he expand the visual vocabulary from the fat line? He started experimenting with using a fingernail to get a finer line, the pads of his fingers brushed lightly to create some shading.
One day, having finished a popsicle, he took the chewed end of the stick out of his mouth and tried it as a brush. Soon he was trying all his brushes to see what effects they could achieve. He started photographing and emailing the resulting drawing to his friends. One of those emails was forwarded to a local columnist, which resulted in the media wanting to showcase his work, which turned into opportunities to create his special kind of art all over the world!

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