venerdì 16 gennaio 2015

New year's resolutions

Happy New Year! These New Year's resolutions are popular every year.

-Popular new year's resolutions
  • Lose weight
  • Volunteer to help others
  • Quit smoking
  • Get a better education
  • Get a better job
  • Save money
  • Get fit
  • Eat healthy food
  • Manage stress
  • Manage debt
  • Take a trip
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Drink less alcohol
-My new year's resolutions
  • Travel a lot
  • Learn something new
  • Making experiences of life
  • Meet new people
  • Work on one thing a time until finished
  • Save money
  • Be less nervous
  • Spend less time on internet
  • Be organized
  • Enjoy life

Religion symbols

Jainism is a pantheistic religion that teaches non-violence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice rely mainly on self-effort in progressing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine consciousness. Any soul which has conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the state of supreme being is called jina which means conqueror or victor.
Jainism is also called Shraman (self-reliant) Dharma or the religion of Nigrantha (who doesn't have attachments and aversions) by ancient texts.
Jainism was revived by a lineage of 24 enlightened ascetic leaders called tirthankaras culminating with Parshva and Mahavira. In the modern world, it is a small but influential religious group with about 4.2 million followers in India, and growing immigrant communities in North America, Western Europe, the Far East, Australia and elsewhere.
Jains successfully sustained this ancient religion to this era and have significantly influenced and contributed to ethicalpolitical and economic spheres in India. Jains have an ancient tradition of scholarship and have the highest degree of literacy in India; Jain libraries are the oldest in the country. Tamil Jains and Tulu Jains who are native to their region residing in places of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015


palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers. Famous examples include "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!", "Amor, Roma", "race car" and "No 'x' in Nixon".
The word "palindrome" was coined by the English playwright Ben Jonson in the 17th century from the Greek roots palin ("again") and dromos ("way, direction").
Palindromes as a form of wordplay have been created for many centuries. For example, the ancient Greeks are known to have often inscribed the following into their fountains:
                                         Nipson anomemata me monan opsin.
 The Romans were also admirers of palindromes, and produced such sentences as:
                                      In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.


Don't nod
Dogma: I am God
Never odd or even
Too bad – I hid a boot
Rats live on no evil star
No trace; not one carton
Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
Murder for a jar of red rum
May a moody baby doom a yam?
Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog!
Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!
A Toyota! Race fast... safe car: a Toyota
Straw? No, too stupid a fad; I put soot on warts
Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?
Doc Note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod
No, it never propagates if I set a gap or prevention
Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna
Sums are not set as a test on Erasmus
Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak
Some men interpret nine memos
Campus Motto: Bottoms up, Mac
Go deliver a dare, vile dog!
Madam, in Eden I'm Adam
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
Ah, Satan sees Natasha
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Do geese see God?
God saw I was dog
Dennis sinned

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